§ 70-162. Off-street loading and unloading facilities.  

Latest version.
  • The off-street loading and unloading facilities applicable to all uses within Planned Industrial Park Districts, other than those authorized under § 70-150A(1) and (3), shall be the same as those provided for in § 70-103F of this chapter. Those uses authorized under § 70-150A(1) and (3) shall conform to the requirements of § 70-182. All loading or unloading areas shall be located on the side or rear yard and shall not be located within 15 feet of the side or rear lot line of the subject premises, except where such rear yard abuts a residential district, in which case such loading or unloading areas shall not be located within 50 feet of the rear lot line of the subject premises.
Amended 1-27-2009 by L.L. No. 1-2009