§ 70-163. Landscaping.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    The front yard of all buildings or structures erected in a Planned Industrial Park District shall be landscaped, together with a landscaped area of at least 15 feet in depth along the entire side and rear yard of the subject premises, except where such side or rear yard abuts a residential district, in which case, such side or rear yard areas shall be landscaped to a width of at least 25 feet. Such landscaped areas shall be planted with perennial trees and shrubs to substantially screen the Planned Industrial Park District from the adjoining residential district according to the plan specification requirements for planting under § 70-219F(13).
    Any area now utilized for landscaping or protection of a slope area pursuant to the Sand Excavation Ordinance of the Town of North Hempstead shall be maintained in accordance with such ordinance and devoted to no other purpose. Any site plan submitted to the Town Board pursuant to § 70-165 of this ordinance shall set forth such area and the Town Board may require a bond, in such amount as the Town Board may determine, and/or a restrictive covenant from the owner of such property guaranteeing maintenance of such area.
    Editor's Note: See Ch. 45, Sand Bank and Pit Excavations.
Amended 4-28-1987 by L.L. No. 10-1987