§ 70-98.18. Signs.  

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  • The following signs shall be permitted in the Planned Unit Development District:
    Main entrance signs. At the intersection of Spine Road with Roslyn - West Shore Road, the following signs may be erected:
    Primary entrance sign, double-sided, to be located within the Spine Road median. The display area of this sign shall not exceed 150 square feet per side. The area of the total structure, including display area, support mechansims and decorative elements, shall not exceed 500 square feet per side. The maximum height of the total structure shall not exceed 15 feet.
    Secondary entrance signs may be located at each shoulder of the intersection of Spine Road and Roslyn - West Shore Road. Such signs may be comprised of up to three panels, with one panel reserved for Town use, one panel reserved for the operators of the Senior Residential Community, and one panel reserved for future commercial operators. The display area for each panel may not exceed 50 square feet for an aggregate total of 150 square feet for the three panels. Other dimensional requirements are the same as Subsection (1) above.
    Directional signs. Along Spine Road, signs may be posted as necessary directing visitors to the various developments within the PUD. Such signs may not exceed 10 feet in height. Display area may not exceed 15 square feet (15 square feet per side if double-sided).
    Subdistrict entrance signs. Detached or ground signs identifying the business or activity conducted on the premises upon which the sign is located are permitted. Specific dimensional standards may be found under the regulations for each subdistrict.
    Wall-mounted signs are permitted, provided that:
    There shall be only one sign for each wall where such sign is permitted.
    The sign on a building wall shall not exceed two square feet per linear foot of wall or a total of 50 square feet, whichever is greater.
    The sign does not extend beyond the sides, roof or any other element of the wall on which it is affixed.
    Mounting height of the sign shall not exceed 20 feet.
    The following general sign prohibitions and restrictions shall apply to all uses of land in the Planned Unit Development District:
    No tower signs, as defined in  §70-196 of this ordinance, are permitted.
    No exposed neon signs, no flashing, moving, intermittently illuminated signs, reflection signs (other than for traffic regulatory signs) or signs painted in luminous materials that glow in the dark are permitted.
    Signs may be illuminated by means of exterior lighting only. No light boxes or other means of interior illumination are permitted.
    The design, location and content of all signs, other than traffic regulatory signs, shall be approved by both the Commissioner of Buildings and the Commissioner of Planning prior to installation.