§ 70-196. Permitted signs.  

Latest version.
  • The following signs shall be permitted in any use district in accordance with the requirements of this article:
    Professional nameplate. In residential districts, professional nameplates bearing the name and profession of the resident, not exceeding two square feet in area or more than one such sign in number, and which may be illuminated by an electric lamp not exceeding 15 watts of power contained within the sign; in nonresidential districts, on professional office buildings having two or more occupants, only one wall or ground sign containing the names of all occupants shall be permitted.
    Sale or rent sign advertising the sale or rental only of the real property on which it may be located, provided there be only one such sign, not to exceed four square feet in area and located not less than 20 feet from any property line. Where such sign is not attached to a building, it shall be attached to a standard sunk in the ground, and no part of said sign shall be more than five feet above the ground.
    Building contractor's, subcontractor's, architect's or engineer's sign, maintained on a building only while the same is under construction, provided that there be only one such sign not exceeding four square feet in area.
    Institutional identification sign placed upon a building or lot of a church, hospital, school or public agency, provided that there be only one such sign, not exceeding 16 square feet in area.
    Informational signs, directional or traffic signs, or other signs which are erected and maintained only by a governmental agency for the general welfare.
    Temporary signs, posters or displays placed by any governmental agency, church or civic organization if such signs are related directly to public, religious or patriotic matters, and otherwise comply with the provisions of this article.
    Subdivision sign, advertising an approved subdivision, located on the premises and not less than 25 feet from any lot line, provided that there be only one such sign not to exceed 50 square feet. No renewal of such sign permit shall be issued beyond a period when development of the subdivision has reached 90% of completion.
    Danger sign, warning of the condition or danger of travel on a street, may be erected and maintained for a temporary period, provided that such sign does not exceed two square feet in area.
    Directional sign, directing persons to a parking area, placed on a side wall of a building, may be erected subject to authorization by the Board of Zoning and Appeals pursuant to Article XXIV of this ordinance.
    Signs in business or industrial districts. The following signs shall be permitted only in business or industrial districts in accordance with the requirements of this article:
    Wall sign, attached to and parallel to a building wall on a public street or parking area and advertising only the business conducted in such building; provided that:
    There be only one such sign for each wall on any wall where such sign is permitted.
    The sign on the building wall facing upon a public street shall not exceed 4 1/2 feet in vertical measurement or two square feet per linear foot of wall width. The sign on the building wall facing upon a parking area shall not exceed two feet in vertical measurement or one square foot per linear foot of wall width, but in no case shall exceed 24 square feet in area.
    The sign is not wider than the building upon which it is placed.
    The sign or any part thereof, including lighting devices and reflectors, does not project more than one foot from such wall, but in no case shall extend into any right-of-way.
    The sign does not extend higher than the roof of any building.
    The sign is not higher than the distance between the head of the windows of one story and the lower sill course of the windows of the next higher story, or the top of the parapet wall if a one-story building, and in no event shall the top of the sign be higher than 18 feet above the mean level of the ground.
    Any such sign shall be maintained in a good state of repair, in working order and neatly painted; all projecting lighting devices, including reflectors and all parts thereof, shall be painted aluminum on the outside.
    The provisions of Subsections J(1)(a) through J(1)(g) above shall not prohibit a sign projecting not more than one foot from the wall of any building and not more than one foot by one foot in area used to indicate the location on the premises of a public telephone or other public utility facility for the use of the general public.
    All signs in shopping centers shall be uniform in appearance, construction and dimensions.
    [Added 8-26-1980 by L.L. No. 13-1980]
    Detached or ground sign, advertising only the business conducted on the premises upon which the sign is located, provided that:
    There be only one such sign detached from a building.
    Such sign shall not exceed 24 square feet in area or 15 feet in height from the mean level of the ground.
    Such sign shall be located not less than 10 feet from any property line.
    An open space of at least three feet in height shall be maintained between the bottom of the sign and the ground.
    The area between the sign and front property line shall be maintained free of weeds and debris.
    A tower sign, advertising only the business conducted in such building, provided that:
    Said sign is an integral part and made of the same material as the front of the building.
    There be only one such sign.
    The sign shall not exceed 100 square feet in area nor 10 feet in any dimension.
    The top of the sign shall not exceed 35 feet in height from the mean level of the ground.
    There shall be no moving parts or any flashing, changing, intermittent or varying illumination in connection therewith.
    Window signs, provided that the total area of all such window signs located in a window does not exceed one-third (1/3) of the total area of such window. For purposes of this subsection, a "window sign" shall mean a sign of any material which is either temporarily or permanently attached or affixed to the interior or exterior surface of a display window and is used for advertisements, announcements or notices, directional matters, company names or trade names and which is related to the business, products or services provided. Window signs shall not require permits as otherwise provided herein.
    [Added 8-26-1980 by L.L. No. 13-1980]
    Gasoline station signs. Notwithstanding § 70-196J(1) and J(2) of this Article, the following signs, deemed customary and essential, shall be permitted as accessory to an existing gasoline station in any use district:
    Signs which are an integral part of gasoline pumps.
    Signs over bays, not to exceed two feet in height, containing the words "lubrication," "washing" or other similar customary words.
    Signs showing the selling price of gasoline, not to exceed one such sign for each gasoline pump and attached thereto, and measuring not less than seven inches in height and eight inches in width nor more than 12 inches square.
    Ground signs, not to exceed two in number, 24 square feet in area per sign face or 18 feet in height above the mean level of the ground, not to extend or project beyond any lot line.
    Temporary signs, not to exceed two in number of 10 square feet per sign face; such signs shall advertise some special seasonal service and shall remain in view only during the periods October 1 to December 1 and/or April 1 to June 1.
    Wall signs, in conformance with Subsection J(1).
    The subject matter of any sign shall relate only to the business occupying the lot.
    Marquee sign, erected and maintained in connection with a hotel or theater, provided that such sign shall not exceed 15 inches in height nor extend beyond the permissible outer limits of said marquee nor be less than 10 feet above the mean level of the ground.
    Billboards or poster panels for hire shall be permitted only in industrial districts, provided that:
    Only one such sign shall be permitted on the lot.
    Such sign shall not exceed 15 feet in height from the top to the mean level of the ground.
    Such sign shall not exceed 300 square feet in area.
    There shall be not less than three feet of open space between the bottom of such sign and the ground surface.
    Such sign shall be located at least 20 feet from any lot line and at least 50 feet from any residence district.