§ 70-96.7. Plot requirements and density of population.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    All hospitals shall be located on sites consisting of not less than 40 acres.
    The site shall have at least one property line running for a distance of at least 600 feet abutting a major thoroughfare of at least 80 feet of right-of-way in width. All vehicular ingress and egress shall be directly from such a major thoroughfare.
    The tract of land on which a use under this article is conducted shall be operated, in its entirety, as a single or common management and maintenance unit with common open spaces, parking, utility, maintenance and services facilities and services, except in the case of senior citizen facilities in which Subsection D below shall apply.
    Senior citizen facilities.
    Buildings containing the following senior citizen facilities shall have the following indicated densities allocated for the exclusive use of the senior citizen facilities:
    Type of Facility
    Maximum Density
    Senior independent living
    Senior congregate living
    Senior assisted living
    Required open space and parking facilities for senior housing facilities shall be located in the immediate vicinity of such housing, and shall be designated for the exclusive use of said facilities.
    A 25% density bonus shall be available for senior independent-living facilities where such units are made available as affordable senior citizen facilities.
    For buildings containing more than one senior citizen facility, a composite total of 32 units per acre shall be permitted, with each use assessed at the following rate:
    Type of Facility
    Equivalent Unit
    Senior independent living
    Senior congregate living
    Senior assisted living
Amended 6-8-1999 by L.L. No. 7-1999