§ 70-96.6. Height.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    No building or structure shall exceed six stories or a maximum height of 72 feet, exclusive of mechanical installations which shall not exceed 15 feet above said otherwise permitted height and which shall be completely screened in a manner in harmony with the exterior facade of the building or structure, except that the main hospital complex building may consist of up to but not more than 10 stories with a maximum height of 150 feet, containing no more than two towers. The Town Board may permit the number of towers on the main hospital complex building to exceed two as a conditional use.
    The height of buildings located within a Hospital District shall be measured from the average elevation of the finished adjoining grade of such building. In no event shall the vertical distance between the highest roofline of a building and the lowest exposed height be more than 50% of the permitted building height.
    In the case of a building containing senior citizen facilities, no building or part thereof shall exceed six stories with a maximum height of 72 feet.
Amended 7-23-1985 by L.L. No. 9-1985; 6-8-1999 by L.L. No. 7-1999