§ 59-2. Kensington annexation.  

Latest version.
  • The following described property in the Town of North Hempstead, County of Nassau, State of New York, heretofore located within the unincorporated portion of the Town of North Hempstead, is hereby annexed to and made a part of the Incorporated Village of Kensington.
    Parcel 1: Beginning at the intersection of the westerly boundary line of the Incorporated Village of Kensington with the southerly side of Embassy Court and running along said westerly boundary line of the Incorporated Village of Kensington south 21 degrees 53 minutes 06 seconds east 49.31 feet; thence along the easterly curbline of Middle Neck Road as in place on October 3, 1991, north 22 degrees 04 minutes 27 seconds west 44.52 feet; thence north 22 degrees 48 minutes 37 seconds west 4.88 feet to the southerly side of Embassy Court; thence along said southerly side of Embassy Court north 87 degrees 47 minutes 54 seconds east 9.35 feet to the point or place of beginning.
    Parcel 2: Beginning at the intersection of the westerly boundary line of the Incorporated Village of Kensington with the southerly line of Beverly Road and running thence southerly along said westerly boundary line of the Village of Kensington the following two (2) courses and distances:
    South 24 degrees 33 minutes 06 seconds east 122.82 feet;
    South 24 degrees 51 minutes 06 seconds east 243.50 feet; running thence south 84 degrees 18 minutes 54 seconds west 4.59 feet; thence along the easterly curbline of Middle Neck Road as in place on October 3, 1991; the following seven (7) courses and distances:
    North 26 degrees 30 minutes 22 seconds west 44.30 feet;
    North 25 degrees 38 minutes 17 seconds west 140.33 feet;
    North 26 degrees 15 minutes 12 seconds west 42.47 feet;
    North 24 degrees 19 minutes 27 seconds west 78.90 feet;
    North 24 degrees 45 minutes 52 seconds west 90.00 feet;
    North 22 degrees 16 minutes 07 seconds west 92.56 feet;
    North 22 degrees 41 minutes 52 seconds west 150.55 feet; to the westerly boundary line of the Incorporated Village of Kensington; running thence along said westerly boundary line of the Incorporated Village of Kensington south 24 degrees 33 minutes 06 seconds east 274.07 feet to the southerly line of Beverly Road at the point or place of beginning.