§ 40A-5. Redemption.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Whenever the Superintendent of Highways removes or causes to be removed any articles of personal property containing identification of ownership or right to possession, notice of such removal shall be sent to such person by ordinary mail advising of such removal, the facility to which it was removed and the amount necessary to redeem such article.
    Any article of personal property removed from public places within the Town may be redeemed by the owner thereof at any time prior to disposal by the Town by tendering to the Town Clerk of the Town, during regular business hours at his office, the sum of $10, plus the sum of $2 for each day or part thereof that the property is held by the Town, together with an advertising charge of $3 if the property was advertised for sale.
    The Town Clerk shall require satisfactory proof of ownership or lawful right to possession of the property sought prior to release. Any return of property by the Town Clerk to a person claiming the same pursuant to this ordinance shall be an absolute defense to the Town against any other person claiming same.
Amended 7-22-1980 by L.L. No. 8-1980