§ 40A-6. Disposal.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    The Town Clerk may dispose of all articles of personal property held by the Town for such a period in excess of 14 days at a public auction held pursuant to notice.
    Public notice of an auction shall be given at least five days prior thereto by the Town Clerk and shall contain the time and place of the auction together with a brief description of the articles to be offered for sale. The notice required by this subsection shall be posted on the Town's website, the Town Clerk bulletin board and published in a newspaper with Town-wide circulation designated by the Town Board for publishing notices. Nothing herein shall prohibit the Town Clerk from conducting an auction, over a period of one or more days, via the Internet. In the event that the Town Clerk holds an auction via the internet, the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) of the online auction website shall be deemed to be the place of the auction.
    In the event the property or part thereof remains unsold at the public auction, the Town Clerk may reoffer the same for sale at another public auction or may sell or otherwise dispose of such unsold articles in any manner permitted by law. Any such sale or other disposition shall be without liability on the part of the Town to the owner of such property or other person having an interest therein.
    Regarding the disposal of abandoned motor vehicles, the Superintendent of Highways may convert in any calendar year up to 1% of its unclaimed vehicles that are individually worth more than $750 or two such vehicles, whichever is greater, to its own use.
    [Added 6-12-1984 by L.L. No. 5-1984; amended 9-11-1984 by L.L. No. 11-1984]
Amended 4-17-2018 by L.L. No. 3-2018