§ 2-66. Examination for issuance of license.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Application for examination. Persons applying for examination for a license to engage in the electrical business shall, before being examined, file with the Board an application on such form as may be prescribed by the Board, and shall furnish to the Board such information as it may require concerning the applicant's fitness and qualifications to receive a license as aforesaid. All applications must be under oath. Each applicant shall be required to furnish two vouchers, who shall sign under oath on forms prescribed by the Board certifying to the time the applicant has been employed by them as journeyman electrician, or the period of time they have known such applicant as master or employing electrician. Such vouchers at the time of signing applications must be lawfully engaged in the electrical business. All applications shall expire and be canceled after a period of one year from the date of the application if the applicant does not appear for examination or re-examination within that period.
    Exceptions. Examination will be required for each applicant, with the exception of the following:
    Reciprocal license within the county.
    Where the applicant, at the time of making the application, maintains a principal place of business within the County of Nassau and has been duly licensed as a master electrician by a municipality within the County of Nassau with whom the Town of North Hempstead has entered into a reciprocity agreement, examination will be waived. Such applicant shall, however, file the required application, together with a certificate of competency, a certified copy of a currently valid master electrician's license, a certificate of insurance as required by § 2-68E and a fee in accordance with the Town of North Hempstead Fee Schedule with the Board. Upon approval of the application, such applicant shall be considered a duly licensed master electrician within the Town of North Hempstead.
    If the applicant has no principal place of business at the time his application is under consideration, his residence shall be used.
    Renewal of a reciprocal electrician's license may be granted and obtained by submitting a copy of the renewal license from the party that issued the original license, together with a certificate of insurance as required by § 2-68E, plus a fee in the amount indicated in the Town of North Hempstead Fee Schedule.
    Where the applicant is at the time of making the application a duly licensed master or employing electrician in any other municipality in the State of New York, and shall submit a certified copy of such license, and if he shall maintain his principal place of business in such municipality, examination will be waived, provided such municipality has signified in writing its willingness to reciprocate in like manner with the Examining Board of Electricians of the Town of North Hempstead. The fee, however, in such case shall be the same as for those requiring examination by the Examining Board of Electricians.
    The examination of the Board shall be in two parts; namely, a practical test to determine the applicant's skill, and a written examination. The written examination shall consist of questions designed to determine the applicant's fitness and qualifications to engage in the business of master or employing electrician.
    All examinations shall be written by the applicant and must be in English.
    The time of holding the examination shall be left to the discretion of the Board. Ample notice shall be given to applicants.
    Persons who pass the test as prescribed by the Board shall receive a certificate of competency as evidence of eligibility for the class of license for which such test is prescribed.
    An applicant who fails to attain a minimum passing mark in the test shall not be eligible for another test until the expiration of 30 days.
Amended 4-11-2006 by L.L. No. 5-2006