§ 2-67. Qualifications of applicant.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    No applicant for a Class A license shall be examined unless he/she shall be 21 years of age, of good moral character and able to give satisfactory evidence of experience as to at least one of the following:
    An employing electrical contractor who has had an established business for at least seven years in the installation, alteration and repair of electrical wiring or equipment, or whose experience as a journeyman electrician, as set forth in Subsection A(2) below, and as an employing contractor totals at least seven years.
    A journeyman electrician who has worked as a journeyman for at least seven years with his tools, on installation, alteration and repair of electrical wiring and equipment.
    A graduate engineer of a college or university who holds at least a bachelor of science degree in electrical engineering and has in addition worked at least one year with his tools on installation, alteration and repair of electrical wiring and equipment.
    No applicant for a Class B license shall be examined unless it is shown by satisfactory evidence that the applicant is a partner, officer, chief electrician or other authorized representative of the firm who is in a position to supervise or perform the projected installation, alteration or repair of electrical wiring and equipment.
    No applicant for a Class C license shall be examined unless it is shown by satisfactory evidence that such person has had a minimum of three years' experience in the special installations permitted under this class of license.