§ 70-202.4. Storage of shopping baskets, carts and wagons.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    No shopping baskets, carts or wagons shall be left unattended or standing in open areas without regular collection by the occupant of such unit.
    Carts must either be moved to the interior of the building or stored in corrals as defined in § 70-231 no later than one hour after close of business.
    Corrals for the storage of carts are permitted as accessory structures and shall be maintained in good condition at all times.
    Corrals shall be permanently anchored in place and shall be protected on three sides.
    No corral shall exceed 15 feet in height.
    No corral shall be located within a required front yard.
    All corrals shall have a protective roof or shall be located under a building overhang, canopy or other supportive roof structure.
    All corrals shall provide adequate enclosure to contain carts within a defined space.
    Any corral located within 20 feet of a residence district shall also provide full-height sound-attenuating sides.
    For corrals located within a parking area, a minimum distance of 12 inches shall be provided to the nearest marked parking stalls.
Added 3-8-2011 by L.L. No. 4-2011