§ 70-195.24. Parking requirements.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Covered parking permitted. For mixed-use buildings conforming to the standards of this section, up to 50% of the lot area may contain surface or on-grade parking spaces that are covered by a building. Covered parking areas shall not have more than 50% of their perimeter shielded by structural walls and must be set back at least 25 feet from Main Street.
    Credits for off-site parking established. Off-street parking requirements, as established in § 70-103, for a commercial building or the commercial portion of a mixed-use building may be reduced in accordance with the following standards. In no case shall the parking provided for the residential portion of a mixed-use building be less than one parking space per dwelling unit.
    On-street parking. One space for every 20 linear feet of frontage along a public street exclusive of driveways, fire hydrants, bus stops or other curb segments for which parking is prohibited.
    Municipal parking. One space for every three spaces located within a municipally operated parking field within 500 feet of subject property and available to the general public.
    Shared parking. Where a permanent or long-term lease or agreement has been executed between two or more adjoining property owners to share, aggregate or pool their parking spaces, the required off-street parking requirement for each participating lot may be reduced by 30%. For purposes of this section, "long term" shall mean a minimum effective period of 25 years.