§ 70-195.15. Standards for nonresidential and mixed-use development.  

Latest version.
  • Applications for nonresidential and "mixed-use" development as defined in § 70-231 of this chapter must comply with the following standards, wherever applicable.
    Proposed developments must be designed in accordance with the guidelines set forth in the New Cassel Urban Renewal Plan and New Cassel Vision Plan.
    Any loading and maneuvering of service vehicles and all other related service activities necessary for the construction or operation of the development shall be accommodated entirely within lot lines and shall not impede traffic on adjacent streets.
    All service areas shall be adequately screened from view from adjacent streets and from neighboring residential units.
    Building facades may consist of brick or stucco, as appropriate. Other materials may be approved by the Commissioner of the Building Department if they are in general compliance with the standards of the New Cassel Urban Renewal Plan and New Cassel Vision Plan. Building facades should be inviting to pedestrians. Walls without windows, doors or other adornment, commonly known as "blank" walls, are permitted only where located within 100 feet of a residence district and fronting on the residential street. No blank walls shall be permitted on a main thoroughfare.
    Buildings must be of reinforced concrete steel frame construction. Wood frame construction is prohibited for nonresidential and mixed-use structures within the New Cassel Overlay District.
    All mechanical equipment, television antennas, satellite dishes, or other communications antennas shall be screened from view from the street or adjoining properties.
    Public pay telephones shall not be installed on the outside of any building.
    There shall be no outdoor storage of materials, refuse, garbage, or unlicensed vehicles. Indoor refrigerated storage for putrescible waste shall be available for all food uses. Garbage dumpsters, where approved, shall be screened from view at all times. The storage of commercial vehicles unrelated to the businesses on whose premises they are stored is prohibited.
    All land not covered by structures or parking areas shall be landscaped with lawn, vegetative ground cover, shrubs, trees, or appropriate pedestrian walkways or amenities.