§ 70-195.10. Legislative intent.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    The Town Board of the Town of North Hempstead adopted the New Cassel Urban Renewal Plan to achieve the following goals and objectives:
    To eliminate substandard conditions.
    To improve the condition of deteriorated or dilapidated buildings.
    To create new housing opportunities.
    To redevelop vacant, underutilized, and deteriorated properties.
    To enhance the aesthetics and overall image.
    To improve public safety.
    To generate economic activity.
    To augment the implementation and to ensure long-term compliance with the goals and objectives of the New Cassel Urban Renewal Plan, this Board recommends the establishment of an overlay zoning district, referred to herein as the "New Cassel Urban Renewal Overlay District," encompassing all of the lands within the boundaries of the New Cassel Urban Renewal Area.