§ 70-167. Signs.  

Latest version.
  • The following signs shall be permitted in Planned Industrial Park Districts:
    Wall signs are permitted, provided that:
    There is only one sign for each wall where such sign is permitted.
    The sign on a building wall shall not exceed two square feet per linear foot of wall and in no case a total of 50 square feet.
    The sign does not extend beyond the sides, roof or any other element of the wall on which it is affixed.
    The sign is not higher than the distance between the head of the windows of one story and the lower sill course of the windows of the next story or the top of the parapet wall if a one-story building.
    Detached or ground signs advertising only the business conducted in the premises upon which the sign is located are permitted, provided that:
    There is only one such sign on the premises.
    Such sign shall not exceed 24 square feet in area or eight feet in height from the mean level of the ground.
    Such sign shall be located not less than 35 feet from any property line.
    Section 70-197 of this ordinance, general sign prohibitions in all districts and the following additional restrictions shall apply to all uses of land in the Planned Industrial Park District:
    No tower signs, as defined in this ordinance, are permitted.
    No exposed neon signs, no flashing, moving, intermittently illuminated signs, reflection signs or signs painted in luminous materials that glow in the dark are permitted.
    No outdoor storage of goods in connection with any signs or advertising devices, or for any other reason, shall be permitted.
    No signs shall be erected on any building wall facing an adjoining lot in a residential district.