§ 70-150. Permitted uses.  

Latest version.
  • A building may be erected, altered or used and a lot or premises may be used for any of the purposes set forth in this article and for no other purpose. All of the following operations and activities shall be carried on within fully enclosed structures, and there shall be no outdoor storage of materials or equipment except where specifically authorized.
    The following uses are permitted in Planned Industrial Park Districts:
    Light industrial establishments in which the principal activity shall be the manufacture, intermediate processing, assembly of goods or similar operations which conform to the performance standards contained in § 70-154 of this article.
    Research and design laboratories.
    Warehousing and distribution plants, but not including coal, petroleum or petroleum products.
    Office buildings.
    Banks, subject to the following requirements:
    Minimum lot: 40,000 square feet.
    Minimum front and rear yards: 50 feet.
    Minimum side yards: 25 feet.
    Minimum street frontage on any adjoining street: 150 feet.
    Minimum vehicle standing spaces in each drive-up window line: six spaces.
    Child care, nursery school or similar facility, subject to the standards and requirements as set forth in § 70-203.1 of this chapter.
    [Added 3-22-2016 by L.L. No. 2-2016]
    All other requirements of the Planned Industrial Park District shall apply.
Amended 1-30-1973; 12-16-1980 by L.L. No. 17-1980; 2-28-1995 by L.L. No. 1-1995; 5-3-2011 by L.L. No. 8-2011