§ 70-120. Side and rear yards.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    The minimum distance between any two buildings shall be 20 feet.
    The minimum distance between buildings and side or rear property lines shall be 25 feet.
    All buildings shall be erected and arranged in a manner which will provide adequate light and air.
    Where a Business AA District adjoins a district or districts of higher classification, there shall be provided a landscaped area of at least 15 feet in depth, consisting of trees and shrubs, adjoining such district or districts to substantially screen the Business AA District from that or those of higher classification, and such screening shall be subject to the approval of the Board of Zoning and Appeals. The site plan shall designate the trees and/or shrubs intended to be planted and the location thereof. The provisions of this section shall not apply where the districts are separated by a street, road or highway.