§ 70-107. District created; permitted uses.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    A transportation use district is hereby created encompassing all lands and rights-of-way, including air space above and tunnels and installations below the earth's surface, presently used for railroad purposes on the Port Washington branch, Oyster Bay branch and the main line of the Long Island Railroad within the Town of North Hempstead, except that portion of the above lines lying within incorporated villages.
    Permitted uses.
    Transportation shall be limited to those uses set forth in Article 4 of the Transportation Law of the State of New York.
    Property in said district shall not be used for the erection or maintenance of any building except a station, depot or other structure necessary or convenient for the passengers or freight or to other strictly transportation business uses, including waiting rooms, comfort stations, newsstands and restaurants. No structure shall be erected or maintained in said district or any part thereof, temporarily unused or unnecessary to the operation of such transportation business in such district, except the Board of Zoning and Appeals, after a public hearing, may grant a permit for small temporary structures unrelated to transportation uses of such size, type, height and location as will not interfere with transportation, traffic and public safety in said zone and such as will further rather than hinder parking in said zone pursuant to the provisions of Article XXIV.
    Any temporary structure shall not exceed one story or 15 feet in height and 400 square feet in area, and shall be used for office or storage use only.
    No other structure shall be erected or maintained in said district or any part thereof which has been abandoned for transportation purposes for a period of three years. After such abandonment as above, investigation shall be made and hearings held relative to any additional uses to be permitted in said district or any variance or change of zone to be made under the situation or conditions then prevailing.
    The surface parking of automobiles shall be a permitted use in a transportation district. In no case shall the storage, servicing or dismantling of any vehicles or materials be permitted in such district. Such parking area shall be so shaped as to provide for the parking of the maximum number of vehicles. Only one access road shall be permitted where property fronts on a state highway or other arterial road. Such access roads shall provide separate means of ingress and egress with a traffic separator and arrows indicating proper flow of traffic. Parking area shall be illuminated at night. All areas available for off-street parking, areas for loading and unloading and access roadways shall be surfaced in accordance with specifications not less than those of the Town of North Hempstead requiring 4 1/2 inches broken stone (after compaction) and 1 1/2 inches premixed bituminous material (after compaction).
Amended 7-23-1985 by L.L. No. 11-1985