§ 70-100.1. Accessory buildings.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Accessory buildings and/or structures, except as otherwise provided in this article, shall be located in the rear yard, not be over 15 feet in height at their highest point and shall not occupy more than 40% of the area of the rear yard. The yard area occupied by an accessory building or structure shall be included in computing the maximum coverage.
    Unless otherwise provided in this article, accessory buildings and/or structures located in the rear yard shall be not less than three feet distant from the rear and side lot lines.
    Unless otherwise provided in this article, accessory buildings and/or structures on corner lots 100 feet or less in depth shall be located as far as possible from the front property lines and shall conform to the provisions of § 70-100.1A and B.
    No accessory building or structure, with the exception of fences which are four feet in height or retaining walls, shall be erected within 25 feet of a building used for residence purposes on an adjoining lot in Residence AAA or AA Districts, within 20 feet in Residence A or B Districts or within 15 feet in all other residence districts.
    No accessory building or structure shall be erected in a rear yard, the area of which is not sufficient to permit compliance with the requirements of § 70-100.1A to D, inclusive.
    A private detached garage accessory to a dwelling on the same lot or plot may be erected in a side yard and may be extended into the rear yard a distance of 1/2 the length of the garage, provided that the width of the lot is sufficient to permit compliance with the side yard requirements in the particular district and § 70-100.1D and § 700-100.1K.
    On a corner lot, a private detached garage accessory to a dwelling on the same lot or plot may be erected in the rear yard, provided that the depth of the lot is sufficient to permit compliance with the provisions of § 70-100.1A to D, and provided that the setback of such garage complies with the front yard requirements in the particular district.
    On a corner lot, a private detached garage may be erected in the front yard; provided, however, that the yard between said garage and the street property line complies with minimum front yard requirements as established for the main building, and provided further that there is compliance with the side yard and rear yard requirements of this section and requirements as to distance from the main building on an adjoining lot as required by this section, and provided further that said garage shall not be erected in front of or extended beyond the front of the main building.
    A private garage may be erected within or as a part of the main building or may be attached to the main building by means of a permanent roof, and said garage shall not be considered an accessory building. Unless a private garage is so connected to the main building it shall be considered an accessory building and shall conform to the requirements for accessory buildings.
    No permit shall be issued for the construction of an accessory building upon any vacant lot unless such permit includes the construction of the principal building on said lot, and the owner or applicant shall not begin construction of the accessory building until the construction of the principal building has proceeded to the first-floor beams.
    Where the entrance to a detached garage faces a side property line, a minimum setback of 25 feet shall be provided between the side property line and the closest point of the garage structure.
Amended 4-25-1987 by L.L. No. 10-1987; 4-1-1997 by L.L. No. 8-1997; 3-11-2003 by L.L. No. 1-2003; 1-3-2006 by L.L. No. 1-2006; 12-9-2014 by L.L. No. 19-2014