§ 70-98.43. Permitted uses - GRR.  

Latest version.
  • A building or structure may be erected, altered or used and a lot or premises may be utilized for any of the purposes set forth in this article and for no other:
    A golf course, a golf driving range with one or two levels of stalls, a golf instruction area, a miniature golf course, athletic fields (baseball, softball, football, soccer, field hockey, etc.), a skating rink, tennis courts or a swimming pool.
    Accessory buildings, enclosed structures and uses necessary to and customarily incidental to a use permitted in Subsection A above, including a clubhouse, pro shop, maintenance and instruction areas, putting green, a practice chipping-and-sand-trap area, an instructional area and a snack bar, restaurant and/or catering facility.
    Any use of the same general character, i.e., traditional park uses, as any of the uses hereinbefore specifically permitted may be authorized by the Town Board after a public hearing under the provisions of this article.
    Within 100 feet of the western and northern boundaries of the GRR, the only permitted uses shall be water catchment structures and a nature preserve with no public access. No recreational or other use shall be allowed. Access will be limited to maintenance personnel working on the Town's behalf.