§ 70-98.41. Fences, walls and berms - SRC.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Fences or barrier walls shall have a maximum rail height of six feet. Decorative piers spaced at regular intervals may extend to a maximum height of eight feet. For a distance not to exceed 100 feet from either side of the main entrance gate, rail and pier heights may be increased to eight feet and 12 feet, respectively.
    Retaining walls, where required, shall not exceed 20 feet in height as measured from the lowest adjoining grade. Every effort shall be made, whether by regrading or by the use of landscaped berms, to minimize the height of retaining walls.
    A landscaped berm may be provided in lieu of, or in addition to, a fence or decorative wall. The design and locations of fences, berms, decorative or retaining walls shall be approved by both the Commissioner of Buildings and the Commissioner of Planning of the Town of North Hempstead prior to installation. This review will be based on the following criteria:
    Appropriate size and choice of materials for intended purpose (i.e., security, slope stabilization, views, etc.).
    Appropriateness of size to location.
    Availability of alternate treatments for retaining walls.
    Impact on adjacent landowners.
    Visual impacts from all sides of the structure.
    Maximization of landscaping.
    Impact on drainage and erosion.