§ 70-96.9. Required yards.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    The minimum distance of any main or accessory building or structure from the main thoroughfare shall be 100 feet. A front yard of not less than 35 feet in depth shall be maintained from the main thoroughfare and shall be kept free of off-street parking and roadways except for ingress and egress roadways from the main thoroughfare.
    The minimum distance of any main or accessory building or structure from any side or real property line shall be 35 feet. Side and rear yards of not less than 35 feet shall be maintained and shall be kept free of off-street parking and roadways. The minimum distance of any main or accessory building or structure from any rear property line adjoining property in the unincorporated area of the Town of North Hempstead shall be 75 feet.
    No building shall be directly accessible from a major highway, but shall be accessible from the access road at least 40 feet in width. An access road designated and used for vehicular traffic flowing in only a one-way direction, however, shall be at least 20 feet in width. Such access road shall include a sidewalk at least 10 feet in width between each building and the paved roadway. There shall be no parking, stopping or standing on any of the access roads. A strip of land at least 35 feet in width adjoining the right-of-way of the major highway shall be maintained as an area heavily landscaped with trees and shrubs.
    The minimum one-hundred-foot setback for any building or structure from the major thoroughfare shall be increased one foot for each additional one foot of building height in excess of 72 feet.
    The minimum thirty-five-foot setback for any building or structure from any side or rear property line shall be increased one foot for each additional one foot of building height in excess of 35 feet.
    Any parking structure abutting a residence district, which is constructed underground along the adjacent property line of said residence district and is not visible therefrom, shall not be subject to the requirements set forth in this section.
Amended 7-23-1985 by L.L. No. 10-1985