§ 70-96.4. Permitted uses.  

Latest version.
  • A building may be erected, altered or used and a lot or premises may be used for the purposes set forth in this article and for no other:
    Hospitals engaging in any purpose authorized by the applicable state and/or federal agencies having jurisdiction. Such hospital may include outpatient clinics and nursing, educational and research facilities; nursery schools; nursing homes sponsored by or affiliated with such hospital; offices for medical staff including physicians, surgeons, dentists, psychiatrists, physiotherapists or other practitioners; administrative staff offices; laboratories; and accessory cafeterias, gift shops, flower shops and newsstands.
    Accessory buildings and uses as set forth in this section shall be permitted, provided that the total floor area of any such building or use does not exceed that of the main hospital complex.
    Office buildings accommodating doctors and other medical staff directly related to the furtherance of programs of the subject hospital. Other related uses such as a pharmacy or facilities for the sale of medical goods such as bandages, corrective garments or optical equipment may be permitted within such buildings. Office space shall not be rented, sold or otherwise made available to doctors, medical personnel or other users not employed by or directly related to and associated with the furtherance of programs of the subject hospital.
    Residential units accommodating doctors and other staff directly related to the subject hospital and their spouses and children residing with them. Such units shall not be rented, sold or otherwise made available for occupancy by any person not employed by or directly related to and associated with the subject hospital.
    Power generation plants, conforming to the following:
    [Added 3-27-2012 by L.L. No. 4-2012]
    Building height shall not exceed 50 feet exclusive of mechanical installations;
    All vents, stacks, flues, or similar mechanical equipment, whether roof mounted or freestanding, shall be limited to 72 feet in height;
    Generated power may only be used to service the needs of the hospital campus; no power may be generated for offsite or commercial use; and
    A utility plant must be set back at least 250 feet from any public road or highway and thoroughly screened such that it is not visible from the public thoroughfare.
    Parking structure, subject to the limitations set forth in this article.
Amended 6-8-1999 by L.L. No. 7-1999