§ 70-96.13. Parking structure limitations.  

Latest version.
  • A building may be erected and maintained for use as a parking structure, subject to the following limitations:
    Maximum height and number of levels.
    The maximum height and number of levels for parking areas and structures shall be related to the setback distance to any property line in conformance with the following:
    Maximum Height
    Number of Levels
    Less than 100 feet
    100 to 250 feet
    40 feet
    More than 250 feet
    65 feet
    Mechanical installations shall not exceed 15 feet above the permitted height and shall be thoroughly screened in a manner that is in harmony with the exterior facade of the structure.
    The exterior facade of the parking structure shall be constructed from material substantially similar to existing, surrounding construction or shall alternatively be composed of such material which shall be in harmony with but not necessarily the same as the facade of the existing surrounding construction.
    [Amended 6-8-1999 by L.L. No. 7-1999]
    A landscaped area of at least 25 feet shall be provided around the perimeter of any such structure. Said area shall be planted with perennial trees and shrubs to provide effective and substantial screening of the structure in accordance with the plan specification requirements applicable to site plan review. The second and third levels above grade of a parking structure shall be screened by a wall four feet in height.
    [Amended 6-8-1999 by L.L. No. 7-1999]
    All lighting within parking structures shall be constructed and positioned so as to ensure that such lighting or the headlights of vehicles inside the structure shall not be visible from any adjoining residence district.
    [Amended 6-8-1999 by L.L. No. 7-1999]
    Every parking structure shall include an access roadway leading to the structure at least 50 feet in length, which roadway shall be located so as to facilitate ingress to and egress from the structure without interfering with the flow of traffic on any adjacent roadway and to facilitate the circulation of traffic within the structure. Such access road shall provide separate means of ingress and egress with a traffic separator at the entrance to said road.
    [Amended 6-8-1999 by L.L. No. 7-1999]
    Each parking space in a nonemployee parking structure shall be not less than 10 feet in width by 20 feet in length when measured parallel and perpendicular to the side striping as hereinafter required, except that 20% of the parking spaces for all permitted uses except senior citizen facilities may have dimensions of not less than nine feet in width by 18 feet in length and shall be designated for exclusive use by compact automobiles.
    [Amended 6-8-1999 by L.L. No. 7-1999]
    Each parking space in a designated employee parking structure shall be not less than nine feet in width by 18 feet in length when measured parallel and perpendicular to the side striping as hereinafter required.
    Each parking space required by this section shall be directly accessible from an access aisle without having to pass over any other parking space. An access aisle shall be an area of open space in the parking area exclusive of any area designated for parking spaces or designated for ingress and egress to the adjoining parking spaces.
    The width of access aisles and the length of parking spaces shall be measured perpendicular to the direction of traffic flow in the access aisle. The length of the parking space, measured as described above, shall be known as the "stall to curb dimension." The access aisle shall be the pavement providing ingress to and egress from the parking space, as well as general circulation in the parking structure. These dimensions shall vary according to the angle formed by the parking space strip and the direction of traffic flow in the aisle in accordance with the following table:
    Space Size = 9 Feet 0 Inches
    x 18 Feet 0 Inches
    Parking Angle
    Stall to Curb
    Access Aisle Width
    9 feet 0 inches (by 23 feet 0 inches long)
    12 feet 0 inches
    16 feet 10 inches
    12 feet 0 inches
    19 feet 2 inches
    13 feet 0 inches
    20 feet 2 inches
    18 feet 0 inches
    18 feet 0 inches
    26 feet 0 inches
    Space Size = 10 Feet 0 Inches
    x 20 Feet 0 Inches
    Parking Angle
    Stall to Curb
    Access Aisle Width
    10 feet 0 inches (by 23 feet 0 inches long)
    12 feet 0 inches
    18 feet 8 inches
    12 feet 0 inches
    21 feet 3 inches
    13 feet 0 inches
    22 feet 4 inches
    18 feet 0 inches
    20 feet 0 inches
    24 feet 0 inches
    Each parking space shall be outlined and bounded by a four-inch-wide painted stripe. The direction of permitted traffic flow in the access aisles shall be designated by directional arrows painted in the access aisle and located so that at least one such arrow appears in each 50 feet or fraction thereof of access aisle length. Each such arrow shall be at least three feet in length and painted with visible, reflective paint.
    No person shall place in any area of the parking structure any object or substance that may create a hazard or obstruction to any person or vehicles traversing or using any portion of the parking structure.
    No part of the parking structure or lot shall be used for the storage, servicing, dismantling or abandonment of any motor vehicles, article or material except that the parking and storage of ambulances may be permitted.
    No signs of any type or description shall be permitted in, on or around the parking structure with the exception of the following:
    Directional signs inside the structure relating to the circulation of traffic and the location of pedestrian exits.
    One directional sign, either a wall sign or a detached ground sign, directing persons to the entrance of the parking structure.
    Area and designation signs indicating level of structure and location.
    Directory or chart indicating location of hospital facilities.
    Signs designating use of structure, i.e., "visitor parking"; "employee parking," etc.
    The parking structure shall be of fireproof construction and shall include a dry standpipe system in such form as may be acceptable to the Nassau County Fire Marshal or other authority having jurisdiction.
Amended 6-8-1999 by L.L. No. 7-1999; 3-27-2012 by L.L. No. 4-2012