§ 70-95.13. Parking requirements.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Off-street parking for senior residence communities shall be calculated based upon the total of the parking requirements of the individual components which comprise the R-S where such requirements are set forth in § 70-103, with the exception that up to a ten-percent reduction in the requirement may be applied for and granted by the Town Board based on a demonstration that a sharing of personnel between facilities would effectively reduce the required parking.
    Landbanked parking as defined in § 70-231 may be permitted for senior independent, congregate-, and assisted-living facilities within the required buffer subject to the following restrictions.
    Landbanked parking shall be limited to 40% of the required parking.
    Landbanked parking shall be indicated as such on the site plan and shall be maintained as landscaped or open green space.
    No structure shall be erected in any designated landbanked area.
    Landbanked parking shall be located a minimum of 15 feet from any property line abutting a residence district.