§ 69-12. Mooring and anchoring.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    No person shall anchor any boat or vessel in any channel or within 100 feet of any channel marker, buoy or other fixed navigation aid or within 300 feet of lifelines maintained at any public beach. Except when permitted in a federal anchorage area, no person shall moor any boat or vessel in any channel or within 50 feet of the edge thereof or within 50 feet of any channel marker, buoy or other fixed navigation aid or within 300 feet of lifelines maintained at any public beach.
    No person shall moor or anchor any boat so as to endanger the safety of or cause damage to any boat previously anchored or previously laid down.
    Any vessel or float so moored or anchored in violation of this section or § 69-13 of this chapter may be removed by the Division of Harbor and Marine Enforcement or by the Marine Division of the Nassau County Police Department at the expense of the owner or person in charge of said vessel or float, such expense to be in addition to such penalties as may be imposed by this chapter and the laws of the United States and the State of New York.
    [Amended 2-10-1998 by L.L. No. 6-1998; 10-22-2002 by L.L. No. 15-2002; 6-29-2010 by L.L. No. 9-2010]
    Bond to be posted for anchoring or mooring of barges.
    [Added 10-4-1983 by L.L. No. 8-1983]
    The owner of any occupied or unoccupied barge, which is to be anchored or moored within any waterway of the Town for more than 10 consecutive days shall post with the Town Clerk a surety bond payable to the Town of North Hempstead in the amount of $100,000 for each barge so moored, said bond to be issued by a surety licensed to do business in the State of New York.
    [Amended 7-19-2005 by L.L. No. 5-2005]
    In the event that a barge bonded in accordance with the preceding subsection sinks or otherwise becomes unable to navigate under its own power or with the assistance of tugboats, or causes any damage to the property of the Town, the bond so posted shall be forfeited to the Town of North Hempstead to aid in the removal of the barge from the waterway and/or the repair of the Town's property. The bond forfeiture shall not eliminate the owner's ultimate responsibility to ensure the removal of the barge and/or for the repair of the Town's property.
    [Amended 7-19-2005 by L.L. No. 5-2005]
    The surety on a bond issued pursuant to the above subsections may immediately cancel such bond for any barges removed from the waterways of the Town in the ordinary method of operation.
    Section 69-12D shall not apply to barges, ships or boats owned or operated by common carriers engaged in interstate or foreign commerce nor shall it apply to pleasure craft used on a seasonal basis.