§ 47-6. Protection from damage.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    No unauthorized person shall maliciously, willfully or negligently break, damage, destroy, uncover, deface or tamper with any structure, appurtenance or equipment which is part of the sewage works or District property.
    No unauthorized person shall loiter in or about any District property at any time, nor shall any unauthorized person trespass upon same and cause damage or harm or attempt to cause damage or harm to any District equipment, facility, structure or property in general including property belonging to another that is lawfully on District property.
    No person shall at any time deliberately or otherwise prohibit, interfere with or prevent any District employee or vehicle from carrying on the duties and function of the District.
    Except for invitees, licensees, District personnel and general contractors performing services for the District, all individuals found to be on District property referred to as Lions Field and Sunset Park after 12:00 midnight shall be considered trespassers and shall be subject to prosecution. All other individuals, except for District personnel and general contractors, found to be on any other District property at any time without authorization, shall be considered trespassers and shall be subject to prosecution.
    Any person found violating the foregoing provisions of this section shall be subject to arrest and prosecution under the charge of disorderly conduct.