§ 47-3. Building sewer construction specifications.
Latest version.
A.All work shall conform to the Plumbing Code of the municipal subdivision having jurisdiction, which includes:(1)The Town of North Hempstead.(2)The Incorporated Village of Baxter Estates.(3)The Incorporated Village of Flower Hill.(4)The Incorporated Village of Port Washington North.B.Only those persons licensed to perform plumbing in the municipal subdivisions above-listed shall be authorized to perform such plumbing and/or make connections to the public sewer.C.The point of connection to the sewer main shall be as designated by a representative of the District. The building sewer shall be run directly from said point to the sanitary sewage outlet of the connected building.D.The building sewer shall be constructed of five-inch extra-heavy cast-iron pipe with lead-caulked joints throughout, or five-inch asbestos-cement pipe with approved joints. All joints shall be watertight.E.No part of the building sewer shall be covered with backfill until it has been inspected by a representative of the District. The actual connection to the sewer main or manhole of the District shall be made only in the presence of and in the manner directed by said representative.F.All excavation and backfilling adjacent to any part of the street sewer system shall be done by hand labor only, and the trench backfill shall be hand-tamped to a depth of two (2) feet over the top of the pipe.G.When determined by a representative of the District, shoring or sheeting shall be installed in the building sewer excavation, as approved by such representative and if he shall also determine, such shoring or sheeting shall be left in place and cut off two (2) feet below the surface of the ground.H.When, in the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, any extraordinary conditions exist, the Board shall determine the specifications and methods under which sewer connections shall be made or building sewers installed.