§ 2-58. Installation of heating burners.

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Fireproofing. The clear distance between a hot air furnace hot water or low pressure steam boiler and combustible material, including plaster on combustible base, should not be less than four feet at the top or front, and not less than three feet at the sides and rear; provided that when the appliance is encased in brick or has an incombustible protective covering not less than 1 1/2 inches thick, such distance may be three feet at the top or front and two feet at the side and rear.
    Smoke pipes. The smoke pipes shall not pass through any combustible partition. The clear distance between a smoke pipe or metal breeching and combustible material or construction, including plaster on combustible base, should be not less than 18 inches, provided that the clearance may be reduced to nine inches when the smoke pipe or breeching is protected with not less than one inch of asbestos or equivalent protection, or such combustible material or construction is protected by sheet metal or equivalent covering placed at least one inch from the surface to be protected and extending the full length of the smoke pipe and not less than 12 inches beyond it on both sides.
    Fireproofing shall be made of wire lath and plaster or cement not less than 3/4 of an inch thick, or any suitable sheet rock or fireproof board approved by the Chief Building Inspector and shall be securely nailed to the beams.
    Fireproofing shall extend from a brick chimney to a point not less than three feet forward of burner unit, and shall extend not less than three feet on both sides of boiler or furnace.
    Burning equipment shall be provided with some means for manually, electrically or mechanically stopping the flow of oil or gas to the burner, from a conveniently located point at a safe distance from the burner. With electrically driven equipment this may be accomplished by a switch in the motor supply circuit, placed near the entrance to the room where the burner is located or at the head of the cellar stairs.
    All oil heating burners subject to automatic ignition must be provided with a permanent automatic device, so designed that oil, upon being turned into the combustion chamber, will immediately become ignited or shut off.
    All heating burners used in connection with hot water, steam or warm air heating systems shall be equipped with an automatic device to reduce or extinguish the fire in event of undue pressure or overheating within the boiler or furnace.
    Electrical installations. All electrical installations used in connection with heating burners or heating equipment shall be installed in accordance with the National Electrical Code and a certificate of inspection obtained.
    No heating burner shall be installed in any boiler or furnace unless said boiler or furnace is connected with a chimney having sufficient draft at all times to ensure the safe operation of the burner.
    Hot water controls. No indirect heater or direct heater connected so as to heat water and heating burners in conjunction with hot water storage tanks for domestic use shall be installed unless an approved relief valve has been installed and inspected.
    All boiler or furnace rooms shall be provided with adequate ventilation to assure continuous complete combustion.
    No burner shall be used for other than test purposes until a certificate of compliance has been issued by the Chief Building Inspector. Application for such certificate must be accompanied by an electrical certificate of the Board of Fire Underwriters covering electrical installations in connection with said burner.
    This article shall not apply in the case of the manufacturing plants, except for heating buildings or generating steam for power.
    It shall be the duty of the Chief Building Inspector of the Town of North Hempstead to enforce the rules in a manner that is consistent with safety and good practice as determined by the Underwriters' Laboratories and the National Board of Fire Underwriters.
    A printed copy of the rules and instructions of the manufacturers shall be conspicuously posted near the heating burner.
    Violation of any of the provisions of this article or of any rules made thereunder will make the offender subject to the penalties of this ordinance, and in addition, no further permits for the installation of other burning equipment will be issued if a violation order exists against a previous installation.