§ 2-49. Approval of heating burners; application for approval.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, corporation or their agents governed by this article to install or cause to be installed any heating burner, unless said burner shall have been approved by the Chief Building Inspector of the Town of North Hempstead, and a permit for such installation has been issued in accordance with § 2-49M of this article, and the rules, regulations or ordinances of the County of Nassau, Town of North Hempstead and the National Board of Fire Underwriters.
    Application for such approval shall be made on forms furnished by the Building Department and shall be accompanied by blue prints or diagrams showing construction of the device, indicating moving parts, oil passages, gas passages and air passages and also by a report issued by the Underwriters' Laboratories of the National Board of Fire Underwriters.
    The Chief Building Inspector of the Town of North Hempstead shall, within 30 days of the filing of the above application, issue a certificate of approval or disapproval as provided according to the provisions of this article.
    The said Chief Building Inspector of the Town of North Hempstead shall approve any heating burner listed by the Underwriters' Laboratory or any other nationally recognized inspection board or laboratory. Heating burners not listed by the Underwriters' Laboratory or other nationally recognized inspection board or laboratory shall not be approved until they have been inspected by the Chief Building Inspector of the Town of North Hempstead. This test shall cover arrangements of parts, suitability of material, strength of parts, electrical control, thermostatic arrangement, reliability of automatic features, positiveness of ignition and safeguards against flooding. In case the Chief Building Inspector aforesaid does not feel that he is competent to make the above test, he is hereby authorized to require the applicant to submit a report from a recognized laboratory.
    With a certificate of disapproval, the said Chief Building Inspector of the Town of North Hempstead aforesaid shall issue to the applicant and to the manufacturer of the device a clear, concise statement as to the reason or reasons for disapproval.
    New applications made after the issuance of a certificate of disapproval shall not be made until 90 days from date of issuance of said certificate.
    New applications shall be accompanied by a clear, concise statement giving reasons for reconsideration, based on information received with certificate of disapproval.
    The said Chief Building Inspector of the Town of North Hempstead aforementioned shall act on new applications as specified in Subsections B, C and D of this section.
    A filing fee shall be paid in accordance with the Town of North Hempstead Fee Schedule with each and every application.
    [Amended 10-22-1974 by L.L. No. 9-1974; 4-11-2006 by L.L. No. 5-2006]
    Heating equipment. For the purpose of this article, "heating equipment" shall consist of all equipment connected to a heating burner and located within the building, including oil-fired hot-water heaters and necessary water connections for domestic hot water, boiler water feed, safety and functional devices, internal and external supply of storage tanks, and provisions for filling and venting same, piping, wiring and all accessories. Approved equipment shall mean approval by some nationally recognized laboratory.
    Each existing dwelling and each dwelling hereafter constructed in the Town of North Hempstead shall contain a central heating system designed to maintain a minimum temperature of 70º F. in every room in such dwellings.
    Any owner violating the provisions of the aforesaid subsections shall immediately comply with said subsections within 30 days after written notice thereof shall be served either personally or by registered or certified mail upon said owner.
    [Amended 9-26-1978 by L.L. No. 3-1978]
    Permit to install heating equipment. Any person, firm, corporation or their agents may install, or cause to be installed, heating equipment in connection with any heating burner on which a certificate of approval has been issued by the Chief Building Inspector, in accordance with the provisions made in this article, provided such person, firm, corporation or their agent shall make application to the Chief Building Inspector for a permit to install the same, and such permit shall have been granted by said Chief Building Inspector. At the time of the application for such permit to install or replace, or cause to be installed or replaced in any particular premises, such heating equipment, there shall be paid to the Chief Building Inspector the sum of $5. It is understood that this permit is issued for the installation of heating equipment as defined herein only, and does not carry with it permission to do plumbing work of any other kind. If water connections, hot-water boilers or any other kind of plumbing work is required on the job it will be necessary to employ a plumber licensed in the Town of North Hempstead. Any installation must be inspected by a representative of the Chief Building Inspector of the Town of North Hempstead.