§ 2-47. Pipe and drain connections.

Latest version.
  • A. 
    No pipe or drain of any description other than one conducting sewage shall be connected to a sanitary sewer system.
    No roof drain, surface water drain, cellar drain, sump pump or garage drain and no drain carrying or intended to carry waste from any air-conditioning unit, commercial refrigeration system, swimming pool, automobile washing stand or garage disposal system shall be connected with any sanitary sewer line or with the sewer system and no liquid or solid matter, other than sanitary sewage, shall be dumped or discharged into a sanitary sewer system.
    Any person who willfully connects any pipe or drain in violation of the aforesaid provisions of this section who is licensed as a plumber by the Town of North Hempstead shall be subject to having said license suspended and/or revoked. A suspension or revocation of said license will be directed by the Manager of the Building Department of the Town of North Hempstead after an investigation of any such violation. A suspension may be for a period of up to 60 days.