§ 2-40. Testing of plumbing system.  

Latest version.
  • The Chief Building Inspector may require the entire plumbing and drainage system within the building to be tested under a water test by the plumber in the presence of the Chief Building Inspector or such agent as he may appoint for that purpose. All pipes must remain uncovered in every part until they have successfully passed the test. The plumber must securely close all openings, as directed by the Chief Building Inspector. The use of wooden plugs for this purpose is prohibited. The water test will be applied by closing the lower end of the main house drain and filling the pipes to the highest opening above the roof with water. The water test shall include, at one time, the house drain and branches, all vertical and horizontal soil, waste and vent lines and all branches therefrom to a point above the surface of a finished floor and beyond the finished face of walls and partitions. If the drain or any part of the system is to be tested separately, there must be a head of water of at least six feet above all parts of the work so tested, and special provision must be made for including all joints and connections in at least one test.