§ 2-34. Work usage and definitions.  

Latest version.
  • Unless otherwise expressly stated, the following terms shall, for the purposes of this article, have the meanings herein indicated:
    Word usage. Words used in the present tense include the future; words in the masculine gender include the feminine and neuter; the singular number includes the plural and the plural the singular; the word "person" includes a corporation as well as an individual; "writing" includes printing and printed or typewritten matter; "oath" includes affirmation; "signature" or "subscription" includes "mark" when the person cannot write, his name being written near it.
    Any body of citizens, not exceeding three in number, who may be appointed by the Town Board for that purpose.
    That part of the main horizontal drain and its branches inside of the wall of a building, vault or area and extending to and connecting with the house sewer.
    That part of the main drain or sewer extending from a point two feet outside of the outer front wall of the building, vault or area to its connection with a public sewer, private sewer or cesspool and septic tank.
    A person in the employ of or working under the supervision of a master plumber as defined in this section, who does the actual work of installing, setting up or putting together plumbing fixtures, pipes or appurtenances, which are connected or are to be connected with the sewerage system of a building or structure, or who does the actual work of connecting such plumbing fixtures, pipes or appurtenances with a sewerage system. It shall not include apprentices or helpers who work in the presence of and under the direct supervision of a "journeyman plumber."
    A person established in the plumbing business as an individual, member of a partnership or officer of a corporation, at a definite address within the County of Nassau, who has been duly licensed pursuant to the provisions of this code and engaged by contract or otherwise in the work of installing, setting up or putting together any plumbing fixtures, pipes or appurtenances of any kind, which are connected or are to be connected with the sewerage system of a building or in the work of connecting such plumbing fixtures, pipes or appurtenances with a sewerage system.
    Receptacles intended to receive and discharge water, liquid or water carried waste into drainage systems with which they are connected.
    Main sewers that are not constructed by and under the supervision of the Town.
    Any vertical line of pipe having outlets above the floor of the first story for water closet connections.
    Any special pipe provided to ventilate a system of piping and to prevent trap siphonage and back pressure.
    Any vertical line of pipe having outlets above the floor of a first story for water closet connections.
    Any vertical line of pipe having outlets above the first floor for fixtures other than water closets.
    Plumbing and plumbing systems as defined by state law. The plumbing system of a building or property includes the water supply distribution and sewer lines and the water service pipes both hot and cold, the fixtures and fixture traps, the soil, waste vent or supply pipes, the house drains, the storm sewer together with all their devices and appurtenances and the connections all with or adjacent to the building or property.
    Any term not defined herein but defined in the State Building Code or in the Town Zoning Ordinance, shall be construed for the purpose of this code as so defined.
Amended 8-26-1969