§ 28-58. Portable toilets.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Any construction site requiring the disruption or disconnection of water or sewer service for a period in excess of 24 hours or where water or sewer service has not yet been connected shall be equipped with at least one, but not more than two, portable toilets. In the case of construction related to an existing multiple-unit structure where water or sewer service will be disrupted for some, but not all, of the units thereon, the provisions of this subsection may be waived by the Building Official upon presentation to the Building Official of adequate evidence demonstrating the availability of continually operating toilet facilities accessible at all times to all persons present on the construction site.
    The following maintenance requirements shall apply to all construction site uses of portable toilets:
    Whenever one or more portable toilets are to be placed upon a construction site, they shall be located on the construction site and not on a sidewalk, area designated for a sidewalk, street or public right-of-way, and they shall be located a minimum of 10 feet from all property lines.
    Portable toilets shall be located on the construction site so as to be free from obstruction from, nor present an obstruction to, existing structures or driveways.
    Portable toilets must be in good working condition without any broken surfaces or leaks.
    Portable toilets shall be located in such a manner as to not be potentially impacted by site conditions such as slopes, ditches or prevailing winds.
    Portable toilets shall be located to provide the maximum practical screening from roads and adjacent properties as the construction site allows and must be located so as to minimize adverse aesthetic conditions, and the doors thereof shall not face any street.
    All portable toilets located upon construction sites must be locked and secured between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. and during such periods of time when no representative of the construction permittee or demolition permittee, as the case may be, is present at the construction site. Doors must be in good working condition and must be able to be securely latched while in use.
    Portable toilets located upon construction sites shall be serviced at regular intervals, not less than once every seven days, so as to prevent overloading, the escape of materials contained therein and so as to prevent obnoxious odors or nuisances of any type escaping therefrom. Portable toilets must be immediately serviced if the holding tank becomes full during the period of use. Records of such servicing shall be maintained at the construction site and produced to the Building Official upon request.
    No person shall deposit, discard, discharge or dispose of the contents of any Portable Toilet on or at the construction site.
    Portable toilets shall be maintained in a manner to prevent leakage or spillage. In the event of leakage or spillage, the control and treatment shall be managed and disposed of in accordance with applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations.