§ 28-53. Prohibited actions.  

Latest version.
  • No person who owns, controls or is in possession of a construction site shall:
    Dump, deposit, place, throw, leave, bury, maintain or cause or permit the dumping, depositing, placing, throwing, leaving, burying or maintaining of litter and/or debris at any construction site.
    Transfer litter and/or debris from one construction site to another.
    Dump, deposit, place, throw, leave, maintain or cause or permit the dumping, depositing, placing, throwing, leaving or maintaining of dust, sand, mud, dirt, litter and/or debris on any sidewalk, street or right-of-way adjacent to or abutting any construction site.
    Place on any sidewalk, street or right-of-way adjacent to or abutting any construction site any form of construction materials.