§ 24-5. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
    Those official records which have been determined by the records management officer and the Advisory Committee to have sufficient historical or other value to warrant the continued preservation by the town.
    Official files, minutes and documents, books, papers, photographs, sound recordings, microforms or any other materials, regardless of physical form or characteristics, made or received pursuant to law or in conjunction with the transaction of official town business.
    A central storage area maintained by the records management officer for the storage, servicing, security and processing of records which must be preserved for varying periods of time.
    The removal by the Town of North Hempstead, in accordance with approved records control schedules, of the records no longer necessary for the conduct of business by such agency, through removal methods which may include the disposition of temporary records by destruction or donation or the transfer of records to a central storage facility for records with scheduled retention periods or the permanent storage of records determined to have historical or other sufficient value warranting continued preservation or the transfer of records from one town agency to another town agency.
    The planning, controlling, directing, organizing, training, promotion and other managerial activities involved in records creation, records maintenance and use and records disposition, including records preservation, records disposal at the records center or other storage facilities.
    Making information in records available to any agency for official use or to the public.