§ 23-8.4. General powers and duties.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    The powers and duties of such divisions therein shall be under the administration, direction and control of the Commissioner of Public Works, and each of the said divisions shall be supervised by a division head who shall be designated as Superintendent.
    The Commissioner may, with the approval of the Town Board, establish, consolidate or abolish any divisions now existing or hereafter created in said Department, and establish, consolidate or abolish any bureau now existing or hereafter created in any such division.
    The powers and duties of the divisions shall be as follows:
    [Amended 9-9-2014 by L.L. No. 14-2014]
    Division of Engineering.
    It shall perform the duties of a Town Engineer and have general charge and supervision of the design and construction of Town buildings, parks and grounds, and also other structures or improvements in the nature of public works as the Town, or any of its special districts or departments, may construct.
    Furthermore, the division head of the Division of Engineering will continue with all of the powers and be subject to all of the duties of a Town Engineer.
    Division of Civil Defense. (Reserved)
    Division of Highways.
    [Added 12-13-2016 by L.L. No. 12-2016]
    It shall have charge and supervision of the design, construction, repair, maintenance, cleaning and lighting of all highways, roads, streets, bridges and stormwater drainage systems and other outdoor facilities under the jurisdiction of the Town or any special districts thereof, and further shall provide for, maintain and operate municipal off-street public parking areas, including metered parking, and further shall supervise and have jurisdiction over any improvement districts related thereto.
    Furthermore, the division head of the Division of Highways shall have all of the powers and duties of a Town Superintendent of Highways as prescribed by law.
    Division of Trees. (Reserved)
    [Added 12-13-2016 by L.L. No. 12-2016]
    Division of Signs. It shall have the power, duty and responsibility of preparing, erecting and maintaining street, traffic regulatory and such other signs as may be required by the various Town of North Hempstead departments and divisions.
    [Added 12-13-2016 by L.L. No. 12-2016]
    Other powers of Commissioner.
    The Commissioner, acting by and through any of the said existing or hereafter named divisions, shall be empowered to perform such other duties and functions that are prescribed to be performed by him in any law, ordinance or resolution of the Town Board, or lawful directive of the Supervisor. However, the Commissioner may delegate any of his powers to or direct any of his duties to be performed by a Deputy Commissioner or head of a division.
    Furthermore, the Commissioner is hereby authorized and empowered, subject to prior approval of the Town Board, except that such prior approval will not be required in cases of emergency, to retain and employ private engineers, architects and consultants, or firms practicing such profession, for the purposes of:
    Preparing designs, plans and estimates of structures of projects of any type and character.
    Rendering assistance and advice in connection with any project, whether defined or proposed, under the supervision of the Department of Public Works.
    Performing such other and necessary services as the Commissioner may deem necessary in the administration of the Department.