§ 22A-7. Control and supervision of games.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Conduct of games. The chief law enforcement officer of the County of Nassau shall have and exercise rigid control and close supervision over all games of chance conducted under such license to the end that the same are fairly conducted in accordance with the provisions of such license, the provisions of Article 9-A of the General Municipal Law, Title 9, Subtitle T, Chapter IV, of the New York Codes, Rules and Regulations, and the provisions of this chapter. Such chief law enforcement officer and the New York State Racing and Wagering Board shall have the power and the authority to temporarily suspend any license issued by the Town Clerk, pending a hearing held by the Town Clerk, and after notice and hearing, the Town Clerk or the New York State Racing and Wagering Board may suspend or revoke the same and shall have the right of entry by his or its respective officers and agents at all times into any premises where any game of chance is being conducted or where it is intended that any game of chance shall be conducted or where any equipment being used or intended to be used in the conduct hereof is found, for the purpose of inspecting the same. An agent of the appropriate chief law enforcement officer shall make an on-site inspection during the conduct of all games of chance licensed pursuant to this local law.
    Statement of receipts, expenses; additional license fee. Within seven (7) days after the conclusion of any license period, the authorized organization which conducted the same, its members who were in charge thereof and, when applicable, the authorized games of chance lessor which rented its premises therefor shall each furnish to the Town Clerk a statement subscribed by the member in charge and affirmed by him as true, under the penalties of perjury, showing the amount of the gross receipts derived therefrom and each item of expense incurred or paid and each item of expenditure made or to be made other than prizes; the name and address of each person to whom each such items of expense has been paid or is to be paid with a detailed description of the merchandise purchased or the services rendered therefor; the net proceeds derived from the conduct of games of chance during such license period and the use to which such proceeds have been or are to be applied; and a list of prizes offered and given, with the respective values thereof. It shall be the duty of each licensee to maintain and keep such books and records as may be necessary to substantiate the particulars of each such statement. Upon the filing of such statement of receipts, the authorized organization furnishing the same shall pay to the Nassau County Treasurer, as and for an additional license fee, a sum equal to five percent (5%) of the reported net proceeds, if any, for the license period covered by such statement to defray the actual cost to the County of Nassau and its chief law enforcement officer of controlling and supervising the games of chance authorized by this local law.
    Editor's Note: This local law also repealed former § 22A-6, Restrictions upon conduct of games, as amended 12-14-1976 by L.L. No. 4, 1976; § 22A-7, License requirements; § 22A-8, License conditions, fees and terms, as amended 12-14-1976 by L.L. No. 4, 1976; § 22A-9, Hearing on denial of license; amendments to license; § 22A-10, Form, content and display of license; § 22A-11, Control and supervision of games; § 22A-12, Operation and conduct of games, as amended 12-4-1976 by L.L. No. 4, 1976; § 22A-13, Penalties for offenses; and § 22A-14, When effective.
Added 4-10-1979 by L.L. No. 4, 1979