§ 20E-1. Fund established; use of moneys.

Latest version.
  • A. 
    The Town Board of the Town of North Hempstead hereby establishes a separate fund to be known as the "North Hempstead WTC Relief Fund." This fund shall be established to allow the people of North Hempstead to show their sympathy and support for the victims of the World Trade Center disaster.
    There shall be paid into said fund:
    All amounts raised or received by the Town pursuant to fund-raising efforts of local organizations and individuals.
    All amounts received by the Town as donations to effect the purposes of the fund.
    The amounts paid into the North Hempstead WTC Relief Fund shall be distributed to the New York State World Trade Center Relief Fund in the name of the people of North Hempstead.
    The moneys in such fund shall be deposited in one or more of the banks or trust companies designated as banks of deposit by the Town Board. Any interest realized on the money so deposited or invested shall accrue to and become part of such fund.
    The fund shall terminate on the 60th day following the end of 2001. Immediately thereafter, all fund moneys shall be distributed. The Supervisor shall account for the fund separately and apart from all other funds of the Town. Such accounting shall show the source, date and the amount of each sum paid into the fund; the interest earned by such fund; and the date and amount of payment from the fund.