§ 20A-7. Replacement of trees in tree lawn.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Removal by Superintendent of Highways. Whenever the Superintendent of Highways deems it necessary to remove, or cause to be removed, a tree or trees from a tree lawn in connection with the paving or repair of a sidewalk or the paving or widening of the portion of a public right-of-way used for vehicular traffic, the Town shall replant such trees or replace them at the discretion of the Superintendent of Highways.
    Removal pursuant to permit. Whenever a person removes, or causes to be removed, a tree or trees from a tree lawn pursuant to § 20A-5 of this chapter, such person shall replant or replace such trees at the discretion of the Superintendent of Highways. Such requirement by the Superintendent of Highways shall be a condition contained in any permit so issued, and the notice of completion filed by the permit holder pursuant to § 20A-5E shall establish that the permit holder has complied with this condition of the permit.
Amended 3-11-1980 by L.L. No. 3-1980