§ 20A-2. Findings and intent.  

Latest version.
  • Since it has been long recognized that trees provide a natural habitat for the wildlife of our area, absorb air pollution, provide us with oxygen, deter soil erosion and flooding and offer a natural barrier to noise, and that the wanton and indiscriminate destruction of trees could decimate the scenic natural beauty of the area, disrupt the ecological balance in nature; cause erosion of topsoil; create flood hazards and erosion; reduce property values, resulting in the encouragement of substandard development; and increase the cost of construction and maintenance of drainage systems through the increased flow and diversion of surface waters, the Town Board of the Town of North Hempstead hereby declares it in the public interest, convenience and necessity to enact regulations which will control the removal of or changes or damages to trees within the jurisdiction of the Town to eliminate the aforesaid injurious effects of such tree removal, changes or damages.
Amended 4-2-2002 by L.L. No. 5-2002