§ 18-7. Protection of property.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    All permits granted for town street, highway or sidewalk excavations for any purpose shall be conditioned upon the adequate protection, at the expense of the applicant, to the property of the town and public service corporations. All excavations shall be backfilled properly upon completion and a written notice thereof given to the Superintendent of Highways.
    All permittees are to restore pavements as follows: All types of roads, with the exception of concrete, shall be replaced with a subbase of three-fourths-inch asphalt binder mix, compacted in two three-inch lifts, per Nassau County specifications, for a total of six inches in depth, and surfaced with asphalt, Type 1A, not less than two inches in depth. Concrete roads shall follow the Nassau County specifications of one to two to four (1:2:4) reinforced concrete.
    Should prevailing weather conditions preclude the permanent restoration of the road surface, the applicant shall be responsible for the maintenance of the temporary surface.
    The Office of the Town Comptroller shall invoice permittees whose actions or inactions require town labor to close or secure road openings, together with an interest charge for delinquent garments in the amount of......
Added 1-29-1957; amended 10-6-1992 by L.L. No. 8-1992; 6-7-2000 by L.L. No. 9-2000