§ 16B-5. Disclosure of relationships.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Within 60 days of the adoption of this chapter, every officer and employee who has not previously filed a disclosure pursuant to any other chapter of the Town Code shall disclose, in writing, to the Department of Human Resources any relative currently employed within any department, board, commission, committee or agency. In addition, every officer or employee shall disclose to the Department of Human Resources that another officer or employee has become a relative of such officer or employee within 60 days of the officer or employee becoming a relative.
    Within 60 days of the adoption of this chapter, the Board of Ethics shall provide to the Department of Human Resources a listing of all Town officers and employees who have previously disclosed, on any previously filed annual statement of financial disclosure, the identity of a relative employed by the Town and the name(s) of the relative(s) disclosed. In addition, the Board of Ethics shall annually, on or before October 15, provide to the Department of Human Resources a listing of all Town officers and employees who have, on their most recently filed annual statement of financial disclosure, disclosed the identity of a relative employed by the Town and the name(s) of the relative(s) disclosed.
    Any person seeking employment with the Town shall sign a statement, in a form approved by the Town Attorney, upon application for employment with the Town of North Hempstead stating whether or not such person is a relative of any Town officer or employee, as defined under this chapter, and stating the name(s) of such officer(s) or employee(s). Such statement shall be filed with the Department of Human Resources prior to the Town Board considering such person for employment.
    The Department of Human Resources, in consultation with the Town Attorney's office, shall review the disclosed relationships to determine compliance with § 16B-4 hereof.