§ 16A-9. Continuation of Board of Ethics.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    The terms of the current members of the Board of Ethics as constituted on the effective date of Local Law No. 1-2017 shall continue, except that the term of the member of the Board of Ethics ending May 2, 2018, shall be extended to December 31, 2018, and the term of the member of the Board of Ethics ending May 8, 2018, shall be extended to December 31, 2018.
    The Board shall consist of seven members to be appointed by the Supervisor, subject to confirmation of the Town Board, after giving due consideration to the recommendation of the members of the Town Board. All members shall reside in the Town of North Hempstead and shall serve without compensation. No officer of a political party, including a committeeperson or any officer higher than a committeeperson, may be appointed as a member of the Board of Ethics.
    The term of office for each member shall be four years. There shall be no limits on the number of terms that any individual member may serve. In the event of a vacancy due to resignation, death, illness or otherwise, a successor shall be appointed pursuant to this section for the unexpired balance of the term.
    The members of the Board of Ethics shall elect a Chairperson from their group.
    Editor’s Note: This local law also provided that the term of the member of the Board of Ethics added by this section shall commence upon the member’s appointment and confirmation by the Town Board and shall terminate 12-31-2020.
Amended 2-28-2017 by L.L. No. 1-2017