§ 16A-12. Candidates for town elected office.

Latest version.
  • A. 
    For the purposes of filing an annual statement of financial disclosure pursuant to § 16A-7C(5):
    Candidates for Town of North Hempstead elected officials who file designating petitions for nomination at a primary election shall file such statement within seven days after the last day allowed by law for the filing of designating petitions naming them as candidates for the next succeeding primary election.
    Candidates for independent nomination for Town of North Hempstead elected officials who have not been designated by a party to receive a nomination shall file such statement within seven days after the last day allowed by law for the filing of independent nominating petitions naming them as candidates for local election official in the next succeeding general special election.
    Candidates for Town of North Hempstead elected officials who receive the nomination of a party other than at a primary election, whether or not for an uncontested office, shall file such statement within seven days after the date of the meeting of the party committee at which they are nominated.
    A candidate whose name will appear on both a party-designating petition and on an independent-nominating petition for the same office or who will be listed on the election ballot for the same office more than once shall satisfy the filing deadline requirements of this subsection by complying with the earliest applicable deadline only.
    As used in this section, the terms "party," "designation," "primary," "primary election," "nomination," "independent nomination," "ballot" and "uncontested office" shall have the same meanings as those contained in § 1-104 of the Election Law.
    Such statement shall be filed with the Board of Ethics.
    The Board of Ethics shall obtain from the Board of Elections, as such term is defined in § 1-104 of the Election Law, lists of all candidates for local elected official and from such lists shall determine and publish lists of those candidates who have not, within 10 days after the required date for filing such statement, filed the statement required by this section.