§ 16-5. Determination of representation status.  

Latest version.
  • For the purposes of resolving disputes concerning representation status, the Public Employment Relations Board of the Town of North Hempstead shall:
    Define the appropriate employer-employee negotiating unit, taking into account the following standards:
    The definition of the unit shall correspond to a community of interest among the employees to be included in the unit.
    The departmental officials at the level of the unit shall have the power to make effective recommendations to their departmental heads or, in the case of a departmental head, to the Supervisor and the Town Board, with respect to the terms and conditions of employment upon which the employees desire to negotiate.
    The unit shall be compatible with the joint responsibilities of the town and its employees to serve the interests of the public.
    Ascertain the public employees' choice of employee organization as their representative (in cases where the parties to a dispute have not agreed on the means to ascertain the choice, if any, of the employees in the unit) on the basis of dues deduction authorization and other evidences or, if necessary, by conducting an election.
    Certify an employee organization upon:
    The determination that such organization represents that group of town employees it claims to represent.
    The affirmation by such organization that it does not assert the right to strike against any government, to assist or participate in any such strike or to impose an obligation to conduct, assist or participate in such a strike, as provided in § 207(3)(b) of the Civil Service Law.
Amended 1-16-1968